Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Attention, please!

Ok, I do not understand how some adults can not pay attention to what is going on in a group of kids.

I was at work yesterday (watching the 2 munchkins I nanny) and a friend had come over to play. Now, the kids I watch are a 5 year old girl and a 2 year old boy, and this friend was a 9 year old girl, so I thought "Cool, this kid is older, watching her should be a breeze". Wrong! This little girl needed to be instructed just a tad...on not provoking other kids, on telling the truth, and on not back-talking adults. :-O Of course, it wasn't my job to do that, but I sure would have liked to film her actions and play it back for her parents!

Do parents just not pay attention any more?? When I was a kid, if I went to a friend's house, I was always on my best behavior...at the least, when the adults were around! I knew if their parents or my parents saw me misbehaving, I was in serious trouble. However, this little girl seemed oblivious to the fact that I was within 20 feet of her at all times and could see/hear everything she did with the other kids. It's as if she didn't expect to be reprimanded for bad actions! Well, I think I surprised her a little. :-) I was my usual calm, poised nanny self, but I made it very clear lying to me and intentionally aggravating the other kids was not acceptable behavior.

So my plea is: Adults! Please pay attention! In this age of multi-tasking, I would think we are all skilled to do at least 2 things at once. Yes, have that conversation with your friend, but keep one ear open to the little tots fighting over the toy. Often the loudest kid is NOT the culprit. Sure, read that book you can't put down, but at least peek over the pages occasionally to see WHY the kids are yelling at each other, not just tell them to quiet down...or worse, (this is my personal pet peeve), IGNORE THEM COMPLETELY! ??? Trust me, it's not going to get any quieter just because you pretend it isn't happening. Plus, you are probably going to over-react once your "noisy kid" tolerance level has been breached!

We are raising the next generation here! Children are not just fashionable accessories...you know, "I have to have one, just like all my friends". They are a glimpse of our future. Let's treat them accordingly!


  1. People today are just totally inept at guiding children to correct behaviour options, but not all of them are unteachable. I've been very grateful for those who were able to see the wrong behaviour and at the same time graciously model correction/guidance. You have a great opportunity anytime you see things out of line!

  2. That is true. I am actually very proud of the mom I nanny for. Her then-3 year old (she's 5 now) was very much out of control, but as she saw me follow through with discipline (time outs and/or revoking privileges), she became more consistent herself and now this little girl is a much happier person. Also, the mom trusts her maternal instincts more, which is hard this day in age, when every outside influence tells mothers to doubt themselves!
